Who We Are

We have been diving for 13 years, much of it while traveling aboard cruise ships. We decided a long time ago that as much as we love diving, we enjoy it more when the travel that comes with it is easy. We love the whole concept of having the opportunity to dive multiple islands on one trip. Of course there have been disappointments along the way. We hope that this page will help fellow divers avoid those disappointments and ultimately improve the state of cruise ship diving.
Gary & Mel

St. Maarten, Royal Caribbean

Date dove: 12/07
Booked through ship? yes
Scuba Fun, Chris McCandlish http://www.scubafun.com/
Air Temp: 83° F
Water Temp: 83° F
Vis: 40 ft
Depth: 59 ft both dives
Return factor? Would dive here again on a ship, but did not spend enugh time on shore to make a determination about a return stay.
Information about the island: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Martin

Scuba Fun was organized and fun, just like the name says. Everyone we came in contact with was pleasant and smiling. That goes a long way toward the impression we have when the day is done. When a lousy crew takes you to a great dive site, everything you see is colored by how you have been treated onshore and on the boat. We have been taken to less that great dive sites by boat crews that made the trip fun and we left with the impression that we still had a great day diving.

Vis wasn't what we'd call perfect here, but there was plenty to see, including the octopus shown above. This seahorse was from the second dive.
Unfortunatley the current was pretty strong, so our only still picture of him was from a bad angle. The picture above was captured from video. The whole video is on our YouTube page. Dive leader Chris even wrangled up a turtle for us, spotted one of the biggest nurse sharks we've ever seen under a ledge, and helped Gary get this video of a nice-sized sting ray.

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